1810-09-16: Miguel Hidalgo starts Mexican War of Independence

From the California Historical Society:

"On the morning of September 16, 1810, a priest named Miguel Hidalgo made a fiery speech in the town of Dolores [in the state of Guanajuato] in New Spain. His words set off a long and bloody war to make New Spain an independent country.

"During most of the war for Mexican independence, California remained uninvolved and unaffected. The only direct contact with the war came in 1818 when two "revolutionary" ships sacked and burned several settlements along the California coast. Three more years of fighting, all to the south of California, were necessary before Mexico achieved its independence in 1821.

"When news of Mexican independence reached California the following year, the old red and gold imperial flag of Spain was lowered over the presidio at Monterey. A crisp new flag, bearing an eagle and a snake, rose in its place. As the flag unfolded in the breeze, the assembled soldiers shouted: "Viva la independencia Mexicana!""








Published in: on September 16, 1810 at 1:14 pm  Leave a Comment  

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