1854-07-25: Frederick A. MacDougall married Maria Antonia Castro de Anzar

Tuesday, July 25, 1854 – Frederick A. MacDougall married Maria Antonia Castro de Anzar, wife of the deceased Juan Miguel Anzar, owner of Rancho Quien Sabe.

(MacDougall later inherited 1/3 of her 1/2 share which is 1 undivided 6th of Quien Sabe.

Her heirs inherited the other 2/3rds.)

NOTE: But according to later court decisions, Quien Sabe hadn't been separated from Rancho Santa Ana.

Abstract v.2 p 209, 211

Abstract v.2 p. 203 & 239

Bolado/Arques suit, v.2 p.252

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  1. I am a Mac Dougall descendent interested in family history and the local history of San Benito and Monterey Counties. I would be most interested in sharing information.

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